Saturday, June 19, 2010



今次講領先數據,究竟邊隻係較為準呢?我就認為係呢個 --- ECRI 

Defination : 
由美國經濟週期研究院(ECRI, Economic Cycle Research Institute)所發佈的每週領先指標(WLI, Weekly Leading Index),是在每週末公布前一週資料。ECRI週領先指標是由19項指標組成,合要素有貨幣供給額,JOC-ECRI工業市場價格指數,房貸申請,債券實質利率,股價,債券殖利率,首次申請失業救濟等。

Usage : 
We divided the ECRI into four different phases:
1. From the trough to zero (coming out of recession).
2. From zero to the peak (“sweet spot” of the cycle — from the end of the recession to the cycle peak in growth).
3. From the peak back to zero (past the peak in growth; economy slows but not back in recession).
4. Zero back to the negative trough (heading back into recession).





ECRI has no simple rule for determining when the economy is headed for recession. It compares recent movements in its indices with previous business cycles. In order to signal a genuine turn in the cycle the indices must change direction in a way that is pronounced in size, pervasive across individual components and persistent.

In fact, at the very least, ECRI itself would need to see a “pronounced, pervasive and persistent” decline in the level of the WLI (not merely negative readings in its growth rate) following a “pronounced, pervasive and persistent” decline in ECRI’s U.S. Long Leading Index (not discussed in the article), before it makes a recession call


ECRI 總經理 Lakshman Achuthan 表示,坦白說上周的跌幅,確實很大。Achuthan 接受雅虎 (Yahoo) 網路節目《Tech Ticker》訪問時指出,領先指標有這樣的跌幅,值得擔憂;但並不意味美國進入衰退期,或是近期內一定會落入二度衰退。Achuthan 坦承,他確實對於美國經濟保持警戒,並非毫不考慮二度衰退的可能性;但要現在下斷論,時機仍未成熟。Achuthan 重申,美國經濟確實正在奮戰,但還要幾個月 ECRI 才能作出確定判斷。不過 Achuthan 提醒,ECRI 的美國長期領先指標,並未跟隨近幾周單周數據驟跌,而同樣明顯下滑。此外,部分同時指標 (coincident index) 「依舊大增」,視為正面跡象。Achuthan 並指出,儘管在所有令人擔憂的經濟因素中,就業人數預期在未來幾個月內再上升;不過,近期的增勢,並不會顯著抑制美國頑強的高失業率。他預期就算在不會出現新一波衰退的情況下,美國就業市場也得等到 2015、2017 年,才能痊癒。


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